Our Commitment To Our Customers And Community
Pride in our projects
Bob and Luke Lundy have been working in the excavation world of Jackson Wyoming for their entire working lives. Jackson Hole is, has been, and always will be our home. We are passionate about helping our customers complete a finished project that we can be proud to have been a part of. Helping our customers complete jobs on time, safely, and to perfection lets us look around our community and be proud of our work. From a simple driveway or berm, to a custom home featured in top of the line magazines, to a state highway carrying thousands of lives daily, a perfectly completed job is one that we can be proud to have been a part to create, and look forward to helping build a better and safer community.
Giving Back To The Community
Over the years we have supported many organizations with either time or monetary donations, often both. Some of the organizations we are proud to support
Jackson Hole Shrine Club
Teton County Fair
Jackson Hole Children’s Museum Touch-A-Truck
Guys Who Give
Many Donations For Benefit Fundraisers For Community Members
Giving Back To Our Industry
We are a PROUD member the Wyoming Trucking Association, and at this time Luke Lundy currently serves on its Board of Directors, helping to protect the interests of our industry.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”